These are the books, magazines, and newsletters that we currently have in the Insulator Publication Index. If you're interested in seeing something added that's not listed here, please see the Frequently Asked Questions list on "How Do I Get a Publication Added?"

Magazines / Newsletters | Books

Magazines / Newsletters
All Insulators: Crown Jewels of the Wire

Issues Indexed: 24 (2019 to 2024)

All Insulators: Crown Jewels of the Wire is the new name for Crown Jewels of the Wire once Shaun Kotlarsky took over publication in 2019. It is Past issues and subscription information can be found on the All Insulators website.

Canadian Insulator Collector

Issues Indexed: 26 (1991 to 1997)

Canadian Insulator Collector was published in two different incarnations. The first was published by Steve Goodell and Graham Catt from February 1991 to December 1993. The second incarnation ran from May 1994 to September 1997 and was published by Mark Lauckner and Russell Paton.

Crown Jewels of the Wire

Issues Indexed: 596 (1969 to 2018)

Crown Jewels of the Wire, or CJOW to many within the hobby, is the longest-running insulator collector periodical in the hobby, continuously published since 1969. When Raven Kotlarsky began publishing it in the Spring of 2019, it become All Insulators: Crown Jewels of the Wire. For the purposes of the Insulator Publication Index, they're indexed separate.

Cross Arms Magazine

Issues Indexed: 42 (1972 to 1975)

Cross Arms Magazine was an early collector magazine published by James Garrity from 1972-1975. All back issues are available from the NIA's website.

Drip Points

Issues Indexed: 124 (1993 to 2024)

Drip Points is the official publication of the National Insulator Association.

Power Line Explorer Journal

Issues Indexed: 16 (2000 to 2008)

Power Line Explorer Journal was a magazine focusing on early power generation, transmission, and the insulators used. It was published by Ed Sewall roughly biannually from 2000 to 2007.

Rainbow Riders Trading Post

Issues Indexed: 67 (1991 to 1997)

Rainbow Riders Trading Post was a magazine published monthly by Ron & Patti Norton from November 1991 to September 1997. The magazine's main goal was to encourage insulator trading rather than the hobby's trend towards buying/selling, but it also had a significant amount of high quality article content.


Insulator Collecting Books
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